World Wide Quilting Page

Question of the Week

Question for the week of April 5, 1999:

Our question this week comes from Helen Liebe

When did "people" start quilting?, Why?, And lastly, where did it start?

c.a. warner :
there is no definate documentation on the where and why. several samples of quilting popped up in china about 3000b.c. quilted chest protectors were used by warriors. stitchery(quilting) was used for decorative purposes on early clothing ,linens,etc. like most things, it was used for making things (clothing, comforters) and evolved into art or expressions of art by the makers.

Sammy "G" :
My partner and I do presentations to different service organizations and I did some research to be able to accurately state facts. Quilting has been "around" for a very long time indeed. The ancient Egyptians, Chinese and others made quilted items. When men of valor wore chain mail suits to make war their goodwives fashioned quilted undergarments to protect their skin from direct contact with the metal.
It was utilitarian and functional at first, but it didn't take women many centuries to learn to "trick" it up. It crossed the Atlantic with the early colonists and you know the rest by now!!!
Alma Moates :
It started in ancient times,crusaders brouht the ideal to Europe, then the Dutch and English colonists brought it to America.
Karen :
If you are looking for quilt history, check out the web site:

Vicki from W PA :
Is Helen asking about the history of quilting
in general or personally? I think she
wants the history, and should check out
the history page on this and other web pages.
There is some more information on

 World Wide Quilting Page * Question of the Week