World Wide Quilting Page

Question of the Week

Question for the week of November 9, 1998:

Our question this week comes from Cheryl Newton

How do you know you're ready to submit your quilt/quilts in a judging or competition?

phyllis lauer :
Go to State Fair to determine how many and quality of entries. If you think yours is better, enter it.

Nyla M. :
When you get to the place that you want to try a judged show go for it. Try to get into competitions where you get a written evaluation. They can be very helpful.
Carrie V. :
When there is no fuzzy stuff hanging out of the binding, etc. etc.
I just entered my first quilt show and had my 3 quilts judged. It was very informative and interesting. The judges were wonderful and gave positive comments for improvements in each quilt.
They particularly looked at:
Binding: well applied, lumpy or not lumpy, did it pull and make "streaky tugs" in the fabric, was the binding well filled with the edge it rolled over.
Choice of fabrics: pleasing color choice, good selection, harmony, good contrast or blend
Quilting stitches: don't necessarily have to be tiny but should be consistently the same size and if doing rows of quilting then special care should be taken when placing the rows
and does the quilt or quilted garment fit the category it was entered in
Just jump in and don't be afraid...constructive comments are well worth it and also having YOUR quilt hung with YOUR name on it is very rewarding!
RC :
If you've gone to fairs and displays and can picture your work hanging next to those.
If you've gone to the actual judging processes and observed and can accept judging comments knowing that you will still like your work after it's been critiqued.
If you like the thrill of victory and don't mind the agony of defeat.
Bertie W. Johnson :
When you have done the best you think you can do and yet your relativies , "thats nice"
Melanie Cornwell :
As a carded textile judge, I suggest that you find a judge in your area (perhaps through 4H or a local fair board) and ask them to give you a critique of your quilt and any helpful hints they may have. Good Luck!
Leslie :
You can spend an awful lot of time second guessing yourself, your fabric, and your stitching. Just go for it! The fact that you're asking this question means you're ready, but just need a tiny shove. So here it is! You may be very disappointed in the comments and critiques, but it's a learning experience and regardless of the outcome, you will take tremendous pride in having your work displayed and entered. Good luck!
JT :
When you stand back and look at one of your creations and say "YEAH!". I never think my work is that terrific until I go to a fair and see some of what is being entered. If you are REALLY brave, enter something you are PERSONALLY really pleased with in a juried show. Some of the comments may sting a little, but you will truly learn from the "experts" who have judged your quilt. They also include positive feedback. GOOD LUCK!!
Brian :
When you get a lot of compliments on it.

 World Wide Quilting Page * Question of the Week