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Block of the Month 2000

September 2000 - 18" Block

 A Scrap Patch


The A Scrap Patch Block uses different fabrics.

 Fabric - A

 Fabric - B

 Fabric - C

 One background fabric

Cutting the fabric

This Block requires:

 four 3-1/2" x 8" rectangles of fabric A
 thirty-two 2" squares of fabric B
 sixteen 2" x 3-1/2" rectangles of fabric C
 four 2" squares of background fabric
 seventeen 3-1/2" squares of background fabric

 Piecing the Block

 1) Lightly mark a diagonal line on the wrong side of the thirty-two 2" fabric B squares as shown.
 2) Take one of the marked 2" squares of fabric B and one of the 3-1/2" square of background fabric and place, right sides together, with the diagonal line placed as shown. Sew on the diagonal line. Repeat with sixteen more marked fabric B squares and the sixteen remaining 3-1/2" background fabric squares.
 3) Trim 1/4" away from the sewn line as shown. Press the seam allowance toward the fabric B square.
 4) Take one of the marked 2" squares of fabric B and one of the units from Step 3 and place, right sides together, with the diagonal line placed as shown. Sew on the diagonal line. Repeat with sixteen more marked fabric B squares and the sixteen remaining Step 3 units.
 5) Trim 1/4" away from the sewn line as shown. Press the seam allowance toward the fabric B square. The completed units measure 3-1/2" square.
 6) Take one 2" square of background fabric and two 2" x 3-1/2" rectangles of fabric C and join together as shown. Repeat with the three remaining 2" background squares and six more of the 2" x 3-1/2" rectangles of fabric C. Press the seam allowances toward the fabric C rectangles.
 7) Tale two of the units completed in Step 5 and one of the 2" x 3-1/2" rectangles of fabric C and join together as shown being sure that the Step 5 units are facing the correct direction. Repeat seven more times with the final seven 2" x 3-1/2" rectangles of fabric C and fourteen Step 5 units.
 8) Take two of the units completed in Step 7 and one of the units completed in Step 6 and piece together as shown to form one of the corner squares of the quilt Block. Repeat with the three remaining Step 6 and six remaining Step 7 units. Press the seam allowances toward the Step 6 units. The completed corner squares should measure 8" square.
 9) Take two of the 3-1/2" x 8" rectangles of fabric A and the last 3-1/2" square of background fabric and join together as shown to form the center row of the quilt Block. Press the seam allowance toward the 3-1/2" x 8" rectangles of fabric A. The completed row should measure 3-1/2" x 18-1/2".
 10) Take one of the 3-1/2" x 8" rectangles of fabric A and two of the corner square units completed in Step 8 and join together as shown to complete the top row of the quilt Block. Repeat with the final 3-1/2" x 8" fabric A rectangle and Step 8 unit top complete the bottom row of the quilt Block. Pres the seam allowances toward the fabric A rectangle. The top and bottom rows should measure 8" x 18-1/2".
 11) Join the top and bottom row from Step 10 and the middle row from Step 9 and join together as shown to complete the A Scrap patch quilt Block. Press the seam allowances toward the center row. The completed Block should measure 18-1/2" which includes a 1/4" seam allowance on all sides.
© Susan E Traudt 2000
 World Wide Quilting Page * Block of the Month 2000