World Wide Quilting Page

Question of the Week

Question for the week of March 24, 1997:

Our question this week comes from J Sagan

What is the best way to clean a quilt? :
Very carefully!! I would use a large tub (or even the bath tub) and lots of tepid water and mild soap. I prefer "Quilt Soap" by Quilter's Rule, Inc. Support the quilt and gently sqeeze the soapy water through it. Rinse several times and hand squeeze the excess water out. If you have a large washer I would spin out the water on gently cycle. I usually hang to dry over two lines - that have been well cleaned.

Mary Hancock :
The safest way is to put a piece of muslin on the end of your vacuum cleaner hose and just gently vacuum the quilt.
Nadine :
if you must wash your quilt, do so very gently, a large quilt should be put in the bath tub and pressed to remove soil, and rinced,rinced,rinced!!orvis paste should be used in place of soap, it can be purchased at most quilt shops or a mail order catalog such as keepsake dry its best to put on spin slow. if possible lay flat to dry, on clean sheets in a room you dont need for a few days, or on the back porch out of the sun
Susan :
I have a queen size quilt that gets heavy child usage. I throw mine in the washing machine gentle wash &fast spin with Quilt Soap &then line dry. So far so good!
Kim Baird :
If you MUST wash quilt, Ensure quilt wash is much better than Woolite!
Maggie :
I soak mine in the bathtub with woolite.
Very carefully "swish" around. Put in spin
cycle of washer. Then hang out on the clothes
line to dry, but only on a day that is NOT
sunny as the sun may fade quilt.

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